A few words

About Us


Our story starts way back...

Palakiya Foundation through it’s research, campaign, advocacy and actions focuses it’s work on climate and it’s intersections. It aims at co-empowering those pushed at the margins and whose voices and experiences have been unheard. The Foundation’s research and experimental development services ensure policy-level interventions in various demographics and geographies.

Our future is threatened by a runaway broken food system.

We all have to eat, of course, and the way we produce and consume our food has an enormous impact on the world around us. Changing the way we EAT, Learning, about sustainable food and taking action for better food systems are the most effective ways to create positive change: Regeneration.

Palakiya Foundation demands a healthy future that ensures our children live in a world fresh air, abundant forests and a stable climate. Globally the communities communities are realising that the ways of eating and producing food need change and such system needs to be in place that is fair and sustainable for farmers and food workers. Together, we’re determined to change the future of food. 

Come work with us

If you would like to work for an organisation making a real impact.

Want to make a difference?

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